May Day Car Parade and Rally

On MAY DAY (May 1st) Flagstaff Rent Strike will host a car parade in solidarity with Tucson Rent Strike. We will drive through Flagstaff together to make some noise and share our support for a local, state, nationwide, and global rent strike! Location and route TBD!

Historically, May Day is a celebration of the continued resistance of working class people against unfair labor laws, landlords, and so on. All are welcomed! The more support the better 🙂

We will be social distancing and wearing masks. Bring signs, bring flowers, decorate your cars, make some noise! Our five demands are below. Signs can iterate the demands or hashtags #rentstrike #flagstaffrentstrike

Demand 1. No work no rent
Demand 2. Assistance for people not corporations
Demand 3. No city or state collaboration with enforcement
Demand 4. Housing for the un-sheltered
Demand 5. Rent Cap

Flagstaff Rent Strike Meeting – April 18th @ 1:00PM MTN

Flagstaff Rent Strike Meeting

Click the photo for a PDF you can print and share.



1:00PM-3:00PM MTN

Topic: Flagstaff Rent Strike
Time: Apr 18, 2020 01:00 PM Arizona

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Meeting ID: 948 8172 4959
Password: 4B5nLg
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Meeting ID: 948 8172 4959
Password: 470599
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Notes on North American Rent Strike Town Hall

Good afternoon,

Below you will find two links to notes from the recent Rent Strike Town Hall that took place on April 4th, 2020. Two folks graciously took notes for the rest of us who could not join the call. The first link is a longer more in depth set of notes. The second link is a summary that breaks down the notes into current Action Items that need to be done prior to April 18th. The town hall was very helpful in making all of this work digestible. Please visit and see how you can begin to build a rent strike block in your neighborhood. Links can be found in the “What You Can Do Page”.


Notes_4.4.2020_North American Rent Strike Town Hall

What you can do